Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Old Settler’s Picnic (1899)

Columbia City Post ~ February 8, 1899
Pioneers of Columbia City to be Basqu’ed

The old settlers of Columbia City who came to this place prior to the year 1849, are to be given a supper in the near future by caterer Dan Myers. There are but eighteen people now living in the city who have passed a half a century here, but they are all people who will thoroughly enjoy such a treat as Mr. Myers proposes to give them. It will be just the thing to get them in a reminiscent mood, and once started in this line, the event would certainly be a most enjoyable one. Fifty years spent in this city means the acquisition of a vast fund of experience, which, while doubtless much of it was fraught with hardships and danger to the actors, would be interesting in the extreme to those who have only to listen, safely removed from the unpleasant features, to the recital.

The following citizens are entitled to a seat in the honored circle: John Rhodes, C. D. Waidlich, Mrs. C. D. Waidlich, Mrs. F. H. Foust, C. W. Jones, Mrs. Anna Thiel, Mrs. Elizabeth Thorp, Mrs. Kate Scandling, Mrs. Rachael Wagner, Mrs. Levi Myers, James and Alanson Washburn, Henry Wolfensperger, Mathias Slessman, Jacob Slessman, William J. Beeson, H. N. Beeson and Mrs. Mollie Melser.The ladies are in the majority, but the gentlemen will hold their own against odds at the table.

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