Links to Whitley County Data

The following data files have been transferred from my soon-to-be-defunct website to the Genealogical Society of Whitley County website.

Index to Transcribed DEATH RECORDS 1882-1930
   ~ An index to Whitley County Death Records transcribed and published in four volumes. These were Originally transcribed by Mildred Pence, Wallace Williamson, Grace Merchant and P. J. Shoda. Beverly Henley helped with creating this index.

Index to ESTATE PACKETS 1838-2000
   ~ Cindy Keirn created this index to the Whitley County Estate Packets.

   ~ Kay Craig, former Whitley County File Manager, has sorted and indexed the Guardianship Packets stored in the archives area.

Index to MARRRIAGES 1838-1910
   ~ Beverly Henley, Betty Grable, and Jeanette Brown spent countless hours transcribing and checking these records.

Index to MARRRIAGE Books 8-16 (1910-1938)
   ~ Beverly Henley, Betty Grable, Jeanette Brown, Joyce Reiff and Becky Wiseman transcribed and checked these records.

Original MARRIAGE Documents
   ~ Scanned images of the Original Marriage Documents from 1838 through 1846 - Licenses, Returns, Affidavits and Consents.

Index to Digest of OBITUARIES 1856-1910
   ~ An index to Nellie Raber's "Digest of Obituaries Published in Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana Newspapers 1856-1910"

Transcribed OBITUARIES
   ~ with a Whitley County connection.

Index to Old Settlers Necrology 1906-2007
   ~ An index to the Old Settlers "death lists" published annually since 1906. Individuals involved in this project were Beverly Henley, Cindy Keirn, Dorothy Bordner and Becky Wiseman.

South Whitley FUNERAL HOME Records
   ~ Wanda Deininger originally transcribed these records in 1994. Beverly Henley re-typed them from Wanda's books at the South Whitley Library.

   ~ Barbara Lacy created the Index and Scanned the Images.


Other Data available on the GSWC Website (Genealogical Society of Whitley County)

Whitley County Libraries

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