Thursday, August 30, 2007

Larwill Items (1873)

Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday, March 23, 1870
  • Sugar making has begun in earnest. Mud in the streets is not more than five feet deep.
  • David Kerr, Esq., formerly a resident of this place, is here on a visit. The old gentleman looks younger than ever.
  • Martin Mann, Esq., has sold his farm of ninety acres to John Tompson, Sr. Mart. contemplates embarking in trade in this village.
  • We heard, the other day, that certain people would be waked up for obstructing streets and sidewalks with wood. A word to the wise is sufficient.
  • The sidewalks in many parts of town are sadly out of repair, and in some places no sidewalks exist. Would it not be a good plan to give this matter a little more attention? Good sidewalks are the glory of a town.
  • Messrs. John Maynard, Wm. Harrison, and Jno. Smith, have returned from a trip to Missouri and Kansas. It will be remembered that they went on a trip of investigation several weeks since. they visited Chilicothe, Mo., where they found some Whitley County boys. The same at Kansas City, Carthage and Seneca City, Mo., and Columbus, Kansas, as well as many other points, meeting with many old acquaintances, and enjoying themselves remarkably well. they left C. W. Hayden, Jeremy Franklin and Justes Burns there, where in due season they will settle, and we hope meet with good success. Judging from the remarks we overheard, they did not find Paradise or a land flowing with milk and honey, but rather returned satisfied that Northern Indiana is not the worst place in the world.
  • A railroad is talked of running from Etna to Springfield, and passing through our village. It is thought that it will be let soon. It is to connect on the south with the D. & E. R. R. R. and northward with a line of hacks running weekly to all parts of the country, and eventually to be extended to Sitka, Alaska Territory. A number of persons are already preparing to emigrate to Alaska, to embark in the seal traffic.
  • Harlan Rogers, the jolly, good tempered and thoroughly accomplished little jeweler and watchmaker, who has been occupying a window in the Drug Store of Kirk & Co., has taken his departure to Bourbon, where he is to embark in business. Sorry to see him go, and wish him success, and as many friends as he deserves, which is not a few.
  • A good many people attended the quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church, at this place on Saturday and Sunday. Let it here be remarked that there is a screw loose somewhere in the machinery by which the concern is run. The powers that be complain of a deficiency at this point, which is doubtless true, but when it is remembered that the people here receive but about seventeen sermons in a twelvemonths, and are assessed for about one-half the whole salary due to priest and prelate, it is not a matter of so much surprise. Another fact to be taken into consideration is that the people have just built an expensive church, for which they are even now economizing and saving in order to pay; and it does not seem to set well upon the stomach of some of them, to be told that with all their liberality they have failed to give enough, and must, in consequence, put up with an inferior sermon during the years to come. If this be treason make the most of it.
  • E. C. Cady left for Kansas and Missouri yesterday, where he hopes to find a "home in some vast wilderness" and carve out a fortune.
  • A new saddler shop in town. Sign of the saddle. Make his acquaintance and give him a trial.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Horse Scared at Auto (1906)

Columbia City Post ~ May 9, 1906

Sunday afternoon while George Parkinson and his son, Frank and wife, were on their way north to their farm, their horse which was hitched to a one-horse wagon, took fright at an automobile near the Ben Yontz farm and ran away.

The machine passed by them going north, frightening the horse considerable as it passed, and when it came back the horse turned squarely around in the road, upsetting the wagon, throwing the occupants to the ground and smashing things up in general. The horse ran clear back to town and its legs were badly bruised and skinned.

Mrs. Frank Parkinson’s arm was badly bruised while George sprained his ankle and was hurt in the side. Who the owner of the machine is not known. It is claimed that he did not slow the machine down either time but rushed on by.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Two Weddings December 31st 1919

Columbia City Post ~ January 3, 1920

Two couples were married December 31st at the home of Rev. L. A. Luckenbill in this city when Elmer Ellsworth Miller and Erna Lucille Gable and Chauncey Hurd and Dessie Householder took the solemn vows.

Mr. and Mrs. Miller were granted a marriage license Tuesday afternoon by Former County Clerk Otis Plattner. Mr. Miller is a progressive young farmer and is a son of Henry C. Miller of Southwest Columbia township. The bride is a very popular young woman and is a daughter of Sheridan Gable, a well known farm residing north of Wynkoop. They will reside on a farm near this city.

Riverside Dairy Man Married. The last official act of Otis Plattner as county clerk, Wednesday, was to issue a marriage license to Chauncey Hurd, manager of the Riverside Dairy, and Dessie Householder. The license was granted shortly before eight o’clock. The couple then went to the home of Rev. L. A. Luckenbill where the marriage ceremony was performed. Mrs. Heber Mosher was a witness of the marriage. Both parties have been married before, the marriage in each case being dissolved by death. The bride formerly was Dessie Anderson, daughter of Jessie Anderson. After a short wedding trip they will reside in this city.

Remarkable Record of Rev. L. A. Luckenbill (1920)

Columbia City Post ~ January 3, 1920

Remarkable Record Made By Rev. L. A. Luckenbill Of This City During Past Twenty-One Years.

The Rev. L. A. Luckenbill of this city, who is at present the pastor of Oak Grove and Evergreen Churches of God, and who has been engaged in the ministry in this county for the past twenty-one years, has made a record outside his work as a pastor which few ministers have ever equaled. During that period he has officiated at 861 marriages and has conducted 866 funerals. That is an average of 41 marriages per year, and a fraction over 41 funerals. From October 1, 1918 to October 1, 1919, he officiated at 29 marriages and conducted 53 funerals. The increase in the number of funerals was due to the influenza, and the falling off in the number of marriages for that period, was due to the war, so many of the young men being in the service.

Rev. Luckenbill is very popular with all classes, and is in demand as a public speaker at social and other gatherings. He is at home in pronouncing the marital bonds, and to the house of mourning he brings consolation and comfort. He knows many people, old and young, and is friendly and cordial to all. His long residence here has enabled him to extend and acquaintance to all parts of the county, and that has created a demand for his services not only at weddings and funerals, but a Sunday School picnics, family reunions, and other gatherings.

The Reverend has probably not attempted to keep track of the couples he has married, but it would be interesting to know how many of them held good until the phrase, “death do us part” severed the union. However the sticking qualities are not imparted by the officiating clergyman, or other officer. That depends on the parties to the contract. But there is one thing sure, and that is it is the wish of Rev. Luckenbill that those who make their vows to him may keep them.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Old Settler’s Picnic (1899)

Columbia City Post ~ February 8, 1899
Pioneers of Columbia City to be Basqu’ed

The old settlers of Columbia City who came to this place prior to the year 1849, are to be given a supper in the near future by caterer Dan Myers. There are but eighteen people now living in the city who have passed a half a century here, but they are all people who will thoroughly enjoy such a treat as Mr. Myers proposes to give them. It will be just the thing to get them in a reminiscent mood, and once started in this line, the event would certainly be a most enjoyable one. Fifty years spent in this city means the acquisition of a vast fund of experience, which, while doubtless much of it was fraught with hardships and danger to the actors, would be interesting in the extreme to those who have only to listen, safely removed from the unpleasant features, to the recital.

The following citizens are entitled to a seat in the honored circle: John Rhodes, C. D. Waidlich, Mrs. C. D. Waidlich, Mrs. F. H. Foust, C. W. Jones, Mrs. Anna Thiel, Mrs. Elizabeth Thorp, Mrs. Kate Scandling, Mrs. Rachael Wagner, Mrs. Levi Myers, James and Alanson Washburn, Henry Wolfensperger, Mathias Slessman, Jacob Slessman, William J. Beeson, H. N. Beeson and Mrs. Mollie Melser.The ladies are in the majority, but the gentlemen will hold their own against odds at the table.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Civil War Veterans Reunion (1902)

Columbia City Commercial ~ Wednesday, October 15, 1902

On Wed. Oct. 15, 1902 the Veterans of the 88th Ind Vol and 5th Ind Battery celebrated their annual reunion at Rhodes Hall in Columbia City. This was the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Perryville KY.

The following is a list of members present from the 5th Battery:
D H Chandler, Knoxville, TN; John Fullerton; P V Gruesbeck; Dany Myers, Adam Malone, Columbia City; John E Kates, Goblesville; Samuel Cullers, Auburn; Jacob Geiger, Collins; A N King, Samuel Watters, Larwill; Daniel Miller, Conrad Bricker, Fort Wayne; Nicholas Brew, Harrison Kramer, Robert Bolton, Swan; Henry Grim, Arl; Fredrick Wampner, Huntington; George Aker, Coesse.
The following members of the 88th were present:
  • Field & Staff - Col. C E Bryant, Huntington; Ajdt. Allen H Dougal, Fort Wayne
  • Company A - Thomas Tomlinson, Walkerton; Isaac Likens, Auburn; William Koontz, Butler; David Goodrich, Hudson; Charles Bowman, Fort Wayne.
  • Company B - Jeptha Harter, Gasperville; Harvey Basel, Indianapolis; Henry C Winebrenner, Battle Creek, MI; Samuel Forker, James Winebrenner, Albion; Gideon Comcer, Cromwell; J F Benfer, H H Young, Wolf Lake; Arthur Eagle, Kokomo.
  • Company C - B F Jones, Joseph Kickley, Fort Wayne; James B Waugh, Arcola; Oliver C Gradeless, Coesse; W G Barnes; Churubusco; N C Griswold, Auburn; Capt W C Hollopeter, Auburn.
  • Company D - Capt. Scott Swan, M M Thompson, Fort Wayne; Sofare Snyder, George Brown, Harlan; Joseph Stafford, William Johnson, Amos Hilkey, Aubur; B F Miller, Monroeville.
  • Company E - Harvey Ross, Huntertown; Martine Hollopeter, Enos Reed, Churubusco; Samuel Karringer, Fort Wayne; J Kniss.
  • Company F - Lt. J King, William Boone, George W Stites, James S Syler, William F Kramer, Fort Wayne; George W Waft, Grabill; Jos E Devin, Thomas Gray, Wolf Lake.
  • Company G - Capt. J N Preston, J M Mckibben LaGrange.
  • Company H - Lt. Jos Ranier, Auburn; John W Erdhart, William Desman, A G Jones, D T McNabb, Lewis Imhoff, Daniel Diehl, J G Hamilton, Butler.
  • Company I - Jonathan Lemmert, Teegarten; A S Prescott, Goshen.
  • Company K - D J Bowman, South Bend; Anders Burwell, Altona KS; Robert Frost, Simon Harshbarger, Robert Hanna, Coesse; John Rovenstien, Atwood; W H Pence, Merriam; Uriah Clark, G W Prugh, Larwill; A G Brossman, Hecla; Homer H Altey, Arthur Hathaway, Jesse Grimes, South Whitley; A Y Swigart, Henry Souder, O W Tuttle, David Engle, G W North, Abraham Parrot, Daniel Pressleer, Dr. W H Coyle, Columbia City.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Eighth Grade Graduation (1908)

Columbia City Post ~ May 20, 1908

Biggest Commencement Ever. The Eighth Grade Class of Graduates Largest in History of County - Exercises Saturday Afternoon.

Saturday afternoon was a busy time for the large throng of people who were in the city to attend the various attractions which took place. The commencement exercises were called at 2 o’clock, but long before that hour the crowd began to gather on the east side of the public square to hear the address of Prof. Jonathan Rigdon, of Winona, and witness the presentation of the diplomas. The graduates, 199 in number, met at the assembly room of the court house and at 2 o’clock marched to seats which had been reserved for them at the bottom of the east steps of the county building, from which the speeches were made.

Seats Fall With a Crash. Just after the graduates filed out of the court house and took their places on the seats which had been constructed by C. O. Taylor for the occasion, half of the north tier, which contained about fifty of the young people and was heavily loaded, crashed to the ground. The most of those on the seats escaped injury, but Marjory Rhodes, a daughter of Willis Rhodes, of Thorncreek township, had her left knee badly twisted by the falling planks. Before the crowd had time to get away from the fallen seats the largest bank at the east side of the court house gave way with about one hundred graduates, a large number of whom were girls. The collapse was slow and the occupants of the seats were able to protect themselves so that the only injury was a sprained ankle sustained by Mary Sievers, a daughter of Trustee Henry Sievers, of Columbia township. All the parents whose children were in the accident were more or less excited and a great deal of pushing about occurred at the time. As soon as it was learned that no one was seriously injured the excitement died down and the exercises were continued with the graduates standing.

The exercises were opened by A. D. Sutherland, who offered the invocation. Prof. Tapy then introduced Dr. Jonathan Rigdon, president of the Winona Normal school, who talked only a short time owing to the amount of disturbance resulting from the collapse of the seats. At the conclusion of his remarks Rev. F. M. Porch made the presentation speech, pointing out the opportunities which lay before the people in the days to come. The diplomas were then distributed.

Following is a list of the graduates from the various townships in the county:

Opal Swank, Ruth Kreider, Bessie Enos, Minta Hinzie, Lizzie Havens, Lizzie Smith, Edward Blain, Pearl Hicks, Tina Brookins, Don Mishler, Ben Simmons, Grace Rau, Vada Pence, Fay Bollinger, Carrie Beatty, Harley Matson, Frank Austin, Sylvan Miller, Effie Sult, Edna Trumbull, H. M. Fields, Oden Schannep.

Urania Harris, Lyman Lawrence, Lloyd Lawrence, Forrest Sherwood, John Perry, John Schrader, John Stayer, Esther Sell, Mary Baer, Nellie Schrader, Mary Sievers, William Hunziker, Homer Eberhard, Archie L. Miller, Myrtle Smith, Vera Hurd, Ruth Keiser, Donald Foust, Henry Traster, Frank Smith.


Mary Bowlby, Pearl Bristow, Lodema Wickliffe, Elsie Batz, Carrie Batz, Ralph Crow.


Illie Bennett, Myrtle Ihrig, Ralph Yohe, Chester Smith, Emery Gillespie, Marc Jennings, Clayton Doolman, Charles Howenstine, Lizzie Hasty, Elmer Schinbeckler, Perry Schinbeckler, Reuben Aker, Frances Clark, Agnes Clark, George Clark, Herman Ramer, Vila Henney, Ruth Pence, Mabel Taylor, Vernon McWhirter, Harry Clark, Emit Smith, Hattie Seiver.


Mildia Miller, Faith Cummins, Walter Firestone, Augusta Thomson, Earl Hoover, Marie James, Minnie Davis, Ada Butler, Lydia Schuman, Opra Elliott, Helen James, Ruth Smith, Clyde Fox, Grover Brown, Lura Mowrey, Hazel Wynkoop, Alvin Schuman, Roy King, Alvin Sweeney, Florence Watson, Keith Anderson, Elsia Marchand, Birdie Schuman, Delta Egner, Esther Smith, Alfred Phillips, DeMaris Sattison, Goldie Beard, Dorithea Watson, Julia Miller, Ruth Watters.


Josephine Smith, Harry Gaff, Drusilla Gandy, Hazel Gaff, Lucy Wade, Lola Miller, Carl Geiger, Grace Knight, Earl Jones, Hermia Pooler, Velma Whan, Marta VanMeter, Mary Demony, Daniel Demony, Joshua Griffith, Roy Tulley, Silas Gavy, Mabel Miller.


Ethel Hill, Hazel Betzner, Alma Fisher, William Kessie, Cullie Phillips, Chloe Appleton, Simon Bender, Clara Egolf, Mirth Riley, Laver Pence, Clinton Hively, Benny Magley, Jennie Jagger, Bertha Hire, Samuel Egolf, Hulda Hively, Freedom Leaman, Lawrence Ott, Jesse Judd, Flossie Foster, Mary McConnell, Vera Geppert, Ethel Schuman, Marjorie Rhodes, Bart Barney, Josie Miller, Effie Leamon.


Scott Kisler, Dwight Kiester, Sadie Terman, Eva Terman, Elsie Adams, Jean Vanderford, Vaughn Trumbull, John Trumbull, Hugh Cummins, Hazel Karns, Neil Estlick, Iva Martin, Cecile Keister.


Mabel Lawrence, Lelia Yagel, Milo Gradeless, Valorus Worden, Wilbert Gaff, B. F. Wigent, Reedie Briggs, Lucinda Sisson, Delphos Winter, John Beeching, Charles Pettigrew, Helen Click, Earl Nichols, Rollie Metz.


Mabel Goble, Pearl Gross, Doris Chamberlain, Glenn Keppler, Hugh Merriman, Ruth Goble, Solon Merriman, Cletus Stoner, Rhue Keel, Anna Schneider, Arthur Ritter, Flossie Ummel, Waveland Dinius, Ruth Cupp, Esther Reece, Kate Gross, Herl Crawford, Millard Eberhard, Carl Dreyer, Bessie Hummel, Evan Rasor, Mabel Moyer, Melvin Arick, Charles Wagner.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Birthday Party for Mr. Snyder (1917)

Columbia City Post ~ Saturday, July 7, 1917

A jolly crowd gathered at the home of John L. Snyder, of Columbia township, to celebrate the 67th birthday of Mr. Snyder's brother, Henry, formerly of this county, now of Canton, Ohio. Mr. Henry Snyder with his family and the family of his son-in-law, George Moomaw, motored to the farm of his brother for the 4th, and the birthday dinner and celebration were in his honor.

Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. George Moomaw and children, Gladys and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burkholder, Mrs. Wm. Meineke, Mrs. Henry Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Miss Emma Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Burns and children, Mrs. George Eberhard, Mrs. Chas Brenneman, of Ft. Myers, Fla., Firmer Burkholder, Miss Nellie Burkholder, Lillie Glen and George Burns, Miss Zelda Line, of Fort Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Snyder.

The afternoon was spent in having a good old fashioned social time. A purse was made up amongst the crowd for a birthday present for Mr. Snyder. Mr. Snyder was highly pleased to meet his old friends and neighbors and relatives in this county many of whom he has not seen since going away nine years ago. The crowd made merry all afternoon and left wishing Mr. Snyder many more such happy birthdays.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Farmers Mutual Insurance Company Meeting (1905)

Columbia City Commercial Mail ~ Friday June 9, 1905

The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance association of Whitley county held their annual meeting in the Linvill rink Saturday. The forenoon meeting was not very largely attended but in the afternoon the room was well filled with people. The forenoon session was occupied in the reading of the secretary’s report of the losses by fire, lightning and otherwise, and also the report of the condition of the company was read and is very favorable.

It is as follows:
Amount of policies in force June 4, 1904, $2,922,280; amount written during past year $830,911; amount cancelled $214,360; amount expired $416,615; net gain $149,936; amount in force June 3, 1905, $3,072,216; amount of expenses during past year excepting losses $580.67.

In the afternoon Wesley Todd of Des Moines, Iowa, gave a very interesting and beneficial talk on the subject, “Nature of Electricity and how to control it.” The officers of last year were all reelected and are as follows: Irvin J. Krider, pres., L. W. Dunfee, sec., Thomas Jellison, actuary, Directors: Irvin J. Krider, W. G. Tinkham, L. W. Dunfee, Thomas Jellison and Jacob Keiser.

The following are the losses sustained by the company during the year beginning June 4th, 1904 and ending June 3, 1905:

  • Lewis Weisweber house and contents damaged by fire June 3rd, ’04 $26.60
  • D. A. Watson house damaged by fire June 7, ’04. $5.00
  • Lawrence Wigent horse killed by lightning June 24, ’04. $125.00
  • T. E. Adams house damaged by lightning July 7, ’04. $15.00
  • William F. Myers barn and contents destroyed by fire July 27th, loss $630.75
  • Martha Kyler barn and contents destroyed by fire Aug. 14th, loss, $1,000.00
  • O. Gandy, steer killed by lightning Aug. 13th, loss, $44.00
  • Solomon Sell barn damaged by lightning Aug. 18th, loss, $7.00
  • Perry Thomas house and contents destroyed by fire Mch. 5th, loss $325.00
  • Mary Strickler house destroyed by fire Mch. 25th, loss $200.00
  • Adam Yagel & Sons barn and contents, wagon and livestock destroyed by fire Oct. 20th, 1904 loss $1,025.19
  • J. F. Dickerson contents of barn destroyed by fire Oct. 20th, $37.50
  • Adam Yagel house and contents destroyed by fire March 28, 1905. Loss $542.35
  • Lewis Weisweber barn damaged by lightning May 4th, $10.00
  • Oliver Millege barn and contents destroyed by fire April 24th, $199.03
  • Emmanuel Geiger barn and contents destroyed by fire May 9th, loss $1,100
  • R. J. Cooper house damaged by fire May 3, 1905 loss $35
  • George Wappus colt killed by lightning Sept. 26th loss $45
  • William Hartman, summer and wood house destroyed by fire Oct. 2nd loss $49.50
  • C. M. Maynard house and contents damaged by fire Oct. 7th, loss $7.00
  • John Kepler, hog house and hog damage by lightning, Oct. 8, loss $10
  • Henry L. Frida contents of house destroyed by fire on Nov. 9, loss $150
  • Henry W. Lawrence, hay ladders and wagon damaged by fire Nov. 17, $10
  • Charles McNamara barn and contents destroyed by fire Nov. 19, $1,029
  • John Matson, house and contents damaged by fire Jan. 14, 1905, $13.50
  • George W. Prugh house and contents destroyed by fire Feb. 16th, loss $1,075
  • Henry Millage house and contents destroyed by fire May 29, 1905, loss $663.45
  • Henry Sell, calf killed by lightning May 29, $10
  • Samuel F. Beeson barn and live stock destroyed by lightning May 11, loss $335
- Thomas Jellison, Actuary

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Troyites Have a Big Fish Fry (1905)

Columbia City Commercial Mail ~ Friday June 16, 1905

June 6, 1905 on the shady banks of Goose lake in Troy township was the occasion of a grand social and big fish fry participated in by the kind neighbors and friends in the vicinity of Lorane to the number of sixty-five, met on this occasion for a good time and a big dinner. Your reporter accepted and invitation to be present and will vouch for the truth that we surely had both. The gentlemen put in their time fishing while the ladies visited until the noon hour, when they announced that dinner was ready and my, what a dinner! The table fairly groaned with good things, just such as the ladies of Troy have the ability to prepare on short notice. After all had partaken bounteously there was more than seven baskets full left for supper.

To our great disappointment there suddenly came up one of our daily downpours of rain. The lady quartette first had time to sing “God be with us” and the crowd dispersed hoping that on the next occasion of the kind the elements might be more favorable.

Those present on this memorable occasion were, Messrs and Mesdames Fletcher Goodrich, Scott Sattison, Harvey Watters, David Egner, George Sattison, John Elliott, Harrison McCloud, Wm. Wynkoop, James Case, Ray Coyle, Dock Huff, Chas. Sattison, Mrs. Elmer Armold, Mrs. John Searbaugh, Mr. Adam Keiser, Grandma Wynkoop, Willie Terman, Frank Wynkoop, Emma Pontzius, Chloe Wyncoop, Mable Eisaman, Leona Keiser, Gladys Sattison, Jessie Watters, Floyd Goodrich, Jessie Eisaman, Hazel Wynkoop, Ruth Watters, John Snyder, Frances Goodrich, Elba Bartner, Maris Sattison, Thora Case, Edna Watters, Ralph Egner, Clela Huff, Austin Coyle, Verda Huff, Mildred Coyle, Ed Egner, Bernice Keisler, Helen Huff, Ernest Coyle, Harvy Searbaugh, Grace Coyle, Amos Snyder, Mrs. J. Eisaman, Mrs. Marion Coyle, Mrs. Nellie Burnsworth, baby Marion Burnsworth, Jerry Eisaman, Walker Elliott.


  • Talk about feeding a multitude with five loaves and two fishes Jim Case and Will Wynkoop ate more than that, either of them.
  • The singing by the lady quartette was superb, when they mounted the stump and began to sing the birds all left the grove.
  • It was miss Leona Keiser’s eighteenth birthday anniversary and she showed plainly she was her own boss. The other girls could not catch her. Still Chloe Wynkoop runs quite well for a heavy weight.
  • Dock Huff claims to have caught the biggest fish. I suppose if it had been larger it would have weighed more.
  • Gentle reader just think what it must have been to be there.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Local News December 1, 1869

Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday December 1, 1869

  • We regret to learn that Dr. John Foster, formerly a resident of this place, but now a resident of Thorncreek township, is about to remove to Warsaw. The people of our county regret the loss of so good and estimable a citizen.
  • We are glad to learn that Rev. Mr. Smogrow, German Lutheran Minister, is to remain another year in our place. He is an able Minister and doing a good work.
  • Dr. Firestone, of Larwill, gave us a call a few days ago. The Doctor looked hale and hearty; and informed us that business in his lively burgh, was good. Call again Doctor.
  • H. C. Yontz is buying a large lot of Poultry this week.
  • Walter & Attinger, the Eagle Brewery firm, are making preparations to Manufacture a large amount of Beer this winter. They will need a big stock to supply their fast increasing trade.
  • We notice an unusual number of teams from a distance, at the Columbia City Flouring Mill, to get grinding done. The custom business of this Mill is increasing very fast.
  • Mr. Adams, County Treasurer, informs us that taxes, so far, are coming in very slowly. Those who are yet delinquent, on last years taxes, must soon pay, or their lands will be advertised on the 15th of this month.
  • Hon. James S. Collins is about to make a trip down the Eel River Valley, on business connected with Eel River Railroad.
  • We are glad to see so many evidences of prosperity, in and around the Columbia City Woolen Mill. The Messrs. Eyanson’s have succeeded in building up a business second to no Mill in the country. Success to them.
  • Fred Grund has a nice stock of Boots & Shoes, which he is selling very cheap.
  • George Winchester’s new stock of Boots & Shoes have arrived. They will bear inspection.
  • Samuel Freudiger is doing a large business at his Restaurant and Bakery.
  • Charlie Siemon still continues to sell large amounts of goods. Our people will find him a clever fellow to deal with.
  • K. B. Miller has so overhauled and renovated his hardware room, that it presents a fine appearance. He is selling a large number of stoves.
  • Dr. Sandmeyer’s stock of Books, Stationery &c., is large. He has sold an immense number of school books this winter, already.
  • Beeson & Bro., are turning out some magnificent Sleighs. Give them a call if you want a substantial Cutter.
  • Mr. John Brannan, is pushing the work on his new Grocery Store, with great rapidity. If the weather permits he will have the building completed in a few weeks.
  • C. Ullerich’s Dry Goods House, the “Great Western,” continues to do a big business.
    Avey & Watson, keep fresh Oysters constantly on hand. Also the best brand of Cigars.
  • The new Baptist Church in Washington Township will be dedicated on Sunday, the 12th of December, 1869. Elders W. W. Robinson and Wm. A. Hitchcock, of Springfield, Mr. Scott, of Ohio, and other good speakers will be present. Prof. Rearer, of Springfield, will be there with his organ to conduct the music. The brethren of that church invite everybody to attend.
  • The total valuation of Real and Personal property in the County of Whitley, as shown by the Auditor’s Books, is $4, 153,316. The total amount of taxes charged on the Duplicate for the year 1869, is $74,349.73.
  • Dr. W. J. Maxwell, Dental Surgeon of Columbia City, will visit Springfield, on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 8th and 9th. Those desiring work done in the line of his Profession can be accommodated by calling upon the Doctor at his rooms in the Union House, Springfield Ind.

Marriage Licences Issued in November 1869

Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday December 1, 1869

Marriage Licences were issued to the following named parties during the month of November, 1869, by J. B. Edwards, Clerk:
  • Charles H. Mosher and Mary E. Robins
  • H. Beuchap and Catherine Champyon
  • William Fox and Mary J. Kinsey
  • William Wamper and Louisa Loe
  • Louis Larvine and Minnie Villit
  • Jacob Kinsey and Mariah C. Weller
  • George W. Grabill and Sarrah Laman
  • George C. Pinney and Hannah Waters
  • W. H. Rovenstine and Martha Olinger
  • James McLaughlin and Mary C. Hinen
  • W. Snodgrass and Francis M. Trumbull
  • Theodore Ackers and Sarah E. Hessner
  • John Maranda and Mary F. Salts
  • Frederick Leching and Doris Brauer
  • John Polson and Mary J. Bump

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

South Whitley Items (1874)

The Whitley County Commercial ~ February 26, 1874
  • Our roads are fearfully bad at present.
  • South Whitley can boast of as good an orchestra as the country can produce anywhere.
  • J. K. Combs and Co., are having the brick hauled for their new store room.
  • Joe Shannep is in the telegraph office in this place. Joe is bound to be a thunder and lightning man.
  • Myron Cleveland occupies the residence of Mrs. Bitner, and has gone to keeping house and butchering in earnest.
  • The concert which was to be held at Colamer on last Saturday evening has been indefinitely postponed on account of the bad weather.
  • A daughter of Marcus Norris has been quite ill with pleuro pneumonia, but I understand is now convalescent.
  • Dr. Hitchcock preached Mrs. Grafton's funeral, and since writing the notice of her death I learn that she was 27 years of age at the time of her death, and that she was born in England.