Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday, May 16, 1917
J. F. Binder received a letter Sunday from his brother, Homer, who is an engineer for the Allis Chalmers Company, of Milwaukee, Wis., stating that six young men and himself had been ordered to Ft. Sheridan, Illinois, to take three months training in the engineers corps. He also stated that out of 1,500 to 2,000 applicants from the city of Milwaukee only 300 were taken. The competition was very stiff and no one but those who were physically in excellent shape were accepted. He said he was going into the army with a light heart and did not dread nor fear the work. He expects to often see Russell Nowels, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Nowels, of the city, and Walter Ruch, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ruch, both of whom are at Ft. Sheridan.
Prof. Ross Tuttle, who has had charge of the manual training department of the local high school, left Sunday noon for Ft. Thomas, Ky. He recently enlisted in the army as a civil engineer or draftsman. The students who were taking work under Mr. Tuttle will complete their work themselves and it is thought that no instructor will be secured to complete the term which ends in the course of three weeks. Mr. Tuttle was accompanied to Ft. Thomas by Paul Pinkley, druggist at the Carter drug store. The latter enlisted in the medical department of the service and will also receive medical training before being taken into actual service.
Prof. Arthur Wilkinson, science teacher in the high school of this city, left a few days ago for the officers' training school. He completed his school work before leaving here and the examinations were held last Thursday.
In a complete list of enlistments published Sunday by the Journal-Gazette, the names of a few more Whitley county men who had not yet been mentioned appeared. In the list was Chester A. Lincoln, a young attorney at Churubusco, Lloyd F. Gates, superintendent of the Churubusco schools, Charles Hire, a son of Simon Hire, of Thorncreek township, and Gail F. Yontz, son of Mr. and Mrs. San Yontz of this city. Mr. Lincoln enlisted in the coast artillery, while the other young men all enlisted in the infantry. Mr. Hire has already gone to the training camp at Indianapolis, and Messrs Gates and Yontz will probably be requested to report soon.
News from Indianapolis is to the effect that the enlisted men are reporting at a lively rate, but some time will be required to do the clerical work and get the five thousand or more located in their quarters. It is said that when the first arrivals sat down to their first meal at the barracks and confronted some corn beef, rye bread and black coffee they looked down their noses and seemed to be mentally engaged. They probably were looking at a moving picture show in which the conspicuous features were the home table and home folks. But it is quite certain that the bill of fare will be better after the camp gets into regular working order, and the appetites of the boys will increase wonderfully after each work-out.
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