Thursday, January 15, 2009

Laud & Tunker News (1917)

Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday, May 23, 1917

Laud News
  • Mr. and Mrs. Allie Baker are the proud parents of a baby girl; her name is Celestine. Dr. White was in attendance.
  • Fred Sweitzer, Fred Johnson, George Souder, A. Nei, of Innwood, Dr. and Mrs. Anderson, of Argus, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Staley, of Plymouth, all spent Sunday at the Dr. Farmer home.
  • Dr. White and wife motored to Ft. Wanye, Monday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Dale White and two daughters and Mrs. Dr. White motored to Indianapolis, Saturday, to visit the latter's sister, Mrs. Jack Schaffer.
  • The Catholic Ladies Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. Ernest Phillips, west of the city, Thursday afternoon.
Tunker News
  • John Moyer, of near Dayton, Ohio, is here visiting his cousin, Charles M. Stump. He says they have had a very cold, backward, wet spring and the corn there has just been planted. His wheat he says is over knee high to him and the prospect for a crop are good. He also raises tobacco and left Monday for home to begin the planting of 10 acres of it.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Omar Anderson, of Fort Wayne, visited over Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Harley Baker.

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