Saturday, January 3, 2009

Beezley-Merley Marriage (1917)

Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday, May 30, 1917

Miss Nellie Beezley and Ross E. Merley were united in marriage Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. J. T. Bean, of the M. E. church. The ring ceremony was performed in the presence of the mother of the groom, Elmer Beezley, the father of the bride, Everett Collins and Miss Dorothy Strong, of Huntington. Following the ceremony the newly married couple motored to Huntington where a wedding supper was served in their new home, 550 Wesley street.

The groom is an expert machinist employed by the Orton-Steinbrenner concern of Huntington. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Strong, of Huntington. Miss Beezley is the daughter of Mr. Elmer Beezley, of North Walnut street, and has a large circle of friends. She was for several years employed in the Mrs. M. L. Berry millinery store in this city. She is also a member of the M. E. church in this city and took an active part in the work.

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