Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Honeymoon Trip and a Birthday Celebration (1917)

Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday, January 31, 1917

Harry G. Bollinger and Wife Home from Honeymoon
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Bollinger have arrived home from their month's honeymoon trip which was spent in the southeast part of this country. They visited in Florida for some time with Theodore Smith and other friends, and the trip was a very delightful one. Mr. and Mrs. Bollinger have gone to housekeeping in the Crist Swigart residence property on west Market street, which was furnished by the groom before the marriage.
Watsons had Birthday Celebration
A number of relatives gathered at the J. R. Watson home to remind him and Miss Cora that they each have a birthday in the last two weeks so the surprise was made Sunday, Jan. 28. When they arrived home from church they found a grand dinner awaiting them. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Klingerman and daughter, Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Watson and children, Elsa and Howard; Dr. D. A. Watson and children, Mary and William; Mrs. Elmer Kemery and daughter, Blanch; Mrs. Ed Holycross and children, Ida and Leroy; Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Holycross, Mrs. Frank Clingaman, Mrs. Melvin Schuman, Miss Anna Klingaman, Cora Watson, Esther Holderbaum, Mr. Elijah Watson, Ralph Watson, Dallas Klingaman. - - A Guest.

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