Monday, October 22, 2007

Goodrich Family Reunion (1920)

Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday, June 16, 1920

Sunday the Goodrich families celebrated their eleventh annual reunion at Troy Cedar lake, with about one hundred and fifty present consisting of friends and relatives. From all the nearby towns and country they gathered on this joyous occasion and Mrs. Henry Winebrenner came all the way from Providence, West Virginia, to greet her home folks. The dinner which was served on the banks of the lake, consisted of such an abundance of feed of indefinite variety that one wondered where it all came from and how it could all be disposed of, however, this was a simple feat, when once the guests were seated.

Shortly after dinner, the president, John Kenner, called the meeting to order and "Nearer My God to Thee" was sung by the entire assemblage followed by a prayer by Rev. Young of the Troy M. E. church. Recitations by the following named was the next in order; Winona Williams, Mildred Foster, Orton Goodrich, Luella Wingard, Ronald Younce and Dewitt Foster. Two entertaining addresses were delivered by Rev. Young and Mrs. Silas Goodrich, after which all joined in singing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." The new officers elected during the business session were: Amon Beard, president; Frank Goodrich, vice-president; and Mrs. Grace Snodgrass, secretary and treasurer.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in a social time and the meeting for the next year was voted to be held at the same place and same time, on the 2nd Sunday in June.


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