Monday, June 4, 2007

Local News - April 25, 1906

Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday April 25, 1906

Mrs. W. E. Magley Surprised.
Mrs. W. E. Magley extended invitations to the Lutheran Sunday school class of which she is a member, to come to her home Monday evening, but when the twelve young ladies arrived she was considerably surprised and mystified, as all were masked, making it hard to tell one from the other. To make it still more interesting, Olney B. Clase, of Warsaw, who has charge of the Magley Studio at Churubusco, learned of the plans of the girls and securing a female costume made the thirteenth guest. He mingled with them successfully and was not exposed until all were unmasked. The affair was a very enjoyable one and Mrs. Magley was presented with a silver crumb tray and other useful articles. Refreshments were served and several hours spent in a pleasant social manner.

Kentucky Mushrooms Arrived Tuesday.
O. H. Eisaman who is located at Sebree, Kentucky, sent his family in this city a shipment of mushrooms which arrived Tuesday by express. The edible fungi of Kentucky differ considerably from the common variety in this part of the country. They are similar in shape, except that they are a dozen times larger than our mushrooms and instead of being white, they are of a purple color. They are solid all the way through. he sent twenty pounds of the delicacy to his family and wrote them that they were good to eat and should be prepared just the same as our kind. Several of the big mushrooms weighed over one pound.

Etna Odd Fellows Ten Years Old.
The members of the I. O. O. F. lodge at Etna celebrated their tenth anniversary Saturday night and of the 180 Odd Fellows and Rebekahs present, all enjoyed the occasion to the utmost. Charles Jones, Ambrose Gerkin and John Kiester made appropriate addresses and were enthusiastically applauded. J. Orcutt and Otis Long furnished excellent music on violin and organ, and recitations by Mrs. Nora Kiester, Blanche Kiester, Thelma Fisher, Mary Estlick and Pauline Groves made up an enjoyable program. The supper which was furnished by the Rebekahs, was not the least feature of the evening and when the midnight hour arrived, but little of the feast had survived the attack. The tenth anniversary will ever linger as a pleasant memory to all in attendance.

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