Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday, September 26, 1917
Bonnell Peabody, who is in the U. S. aviation service, arrived home Friday evening from Mt. Clemons, Mich., on a forty-eight hours furlough. He has been in training there for several months, and is to return to Mt. Clemens and from there the men in his company will leave at once for Long island, N. Y., where he will probably take further training and perhaps aerial work. He has been acting as mechanic on one of the flying machines at Mt. Clemens. The work requires regularity and thoroughness, but he states that he never felt so well in his life, though he has not gained any weight. Saturday, about fifty members of the family met at the Peabody home on the Wilkeswood farm, holding a sort of a family reunion. Bonnell has to return to Mt. Clemens early Sunday morning.
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