Friday, September 19, 2008

Troy News (1917)

Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday, May 23, 1917
Tuesday's Daily.
  • Miss Madeline Wright spent Sunday with Miss Ada Sroufe.
  • Mrs. Harry Trimmer entertained on Thursday Mrs. J. W. Adams. Mrs. Frank Raber, Miss Elva Riddle and Mr. and Mrs. John Rittenhouse, of Columbia City.
  • Harold Salmon and John Terman were week end guests at the Lyman Cook home.
  • Mrs. Kate Grant and Miss Mary Bills visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pletcher.
  • Rev. C. Archer, of Modock, arrived Monday to join Mrs. Archer and baby, who have been guests of the J. W. Salmon home for a week.
  • Mrs. J. C. Van Voorst and son, Albert, motored to Kimmell, Saturday to spend the day with friends.
  • W. L. Adams made a business trip to South Whitley, Friday.
  • People living near the New Center school house were shocked at the cruel treatment given a horse that fell while being driven on Saturday. A poor exhausted horse, a young chap and a board made a poor combination. Considerable more feed and much less slat would surely get better results. If we have a humane officer in the county such cases should be reported.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trimmer and baby visited Clarence Trimmer and family near Raber, Sunday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sellers entertained Rev. and Mrs. Abbott and Ray Salmon and family, Sunday.
  • Morris Wise, who has been visiting his father, Wm. Wise, returned to his home at Elkhart, Saturday.

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