Columbia City Commercial ~ Wednesday January 15, 1890Friday's Daily.- A little son of Mr. Zach Garrison, who resides in Mitten's addition, has the scarlet fever.
- Mrs. Wm. Graves was called to Pierceton a day or two ago by the sickness of an aunt.
- Marshal Supple arrested Chas. Leone last night. A telegram was sent by one Hollis from Ft. Wayne, stating Leone purloined an overcoat.
- Clinton Baker, a young man living at John McLain's north of this city, has a typical case of la grippe.
- Mr. Fred Walter, of Mansfield, Ohio, and senior member of the Eagle brewery firm in this city, is here on a visit.
- The building of the new railroad would give employment to a great many men and distribute thousands of dollars through the county.
- Miss Sadie Stenson, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kirkland, returned to her home in Warsaw yesterday on the accommodation train.
- Loren Hively, who had his right foot wrenched in the belting on a carding machine at the Eel River Woolen Mills, last Monday, will be able to resume his work next week.
- A brother of Rev. W. W. Smith, who lives in Florida, has sent his brother a box of oranges, which he has kindly permitted us to sample. They are very finely flavored.
- The physicians of this city stated that the amount of sickness, at the present time far exceeds that of any previous season. They are constantly passing from one patient to another.
- Dr. Kithcart informs us that Tom Peabody, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Peabody, is the first in the city to have la grippe. It is a genuine case. We hope to hear of no bad results.
- Miss Mable West, who is employed as teacher in the Marion schools, and who came here on a visit two weeks ago, is lying quite sick with tonsillitis and malaria at the home of Mrs. Thiels.
- Auburn Courier: The Post reports building done in Columbia City last year to the amount of $220,000. Columbia is taking on a solid and healthy growth, as any one familiar with the town for the past twenty years can see.
- Mrs. Henry McLallen was called to Cincinnati to-day by news of the dangerous illness of her sister, Mrs. Anderson.
- Isaac Brower, of Denver, Ind., accompanied by his cousin, John Swihart, of near South Whitley, made us a call to-day.
- The Daily Commercial is happy to state that Ralph Souders, who was accidentally shot near Larwill, is improving rapidly at his home in the above named place.
- Mrs. Harry Shire showed us a scrap book which was presented to her on Christmas by her husband. It is the largest scrap book we have ever seen and contains 824 pictures which she has pasted upon its pages in a very artistic manner. It took her about a week to do this which was done in a manner that reflects credit upon her taste.
Saturday's Daily.- The little boy of Wash. Galvin came near choking to death yesterday by a penny lodging in its throat. By an effort it passed to the stomach.
- I. M. Meiser, who has been route agent on a road running into Pueblo, Colorado, will probably not take up the position again. His is a night run, and the work endangers his eyesight. He was recently compelled to lay off by reason of his eyes becoming weak.
- About ten little boys got into a quarrel on A. Washburn's corner last night. They ranged in age from 6 to 11 years. They filled up the sidewalk and issued oaths by the yard. The chief attraction to the crowd was a little girl, the sister of one of the boys. She was pleading with the "fighters" not to "mob" her brother, not to hang him to the electric light pole. It was quite amusing.
- Mrs. Morrison and daughter, Hannah, visited in Ft. Wayne to-day.
- Goshen News. Mrs. Nellie Reider and children, of Columbia City, are the guests of Dr. Lambert's family.
- Gerard Marsellous and Becca Cook, Samuel Russell and Elizabeth Ray have been granted licenses to wed.
- A. J. Nickey, of Churubusco, has formed a partnership with J. W. Hayden in the real estate business at Ft. Wayne.
- There is one thing to be thankful for which was brought on by the wet weather, and that is, wells are replenished with water, streams and ponds have been filled in stock raising communities.
- Jan. 11th - warm, almost sultry, air little damp, rain in the morning, astonishing weather and everybody making remarks about it, plenty mud, no business, farmers walking to town - those living near the railroads.
- A "syndicate" composed of Clerk Kaler, Jas. Kaler, Isaac Brenneman and son Earle, Benj. Brenneman and son Lawrence, have purchased lots in Clarkdale, a suburban plat to Chicago, eight miles from the court house.
Columbia City Commercial ~ Wednesday January 15, 1890.Wednesday's Daily.- The postoffice room in the new court house is too small.
- Lon Harley is again at work in C. V. Inks' marble shop.
- A. J. Hoover, of the Post, was in Chicago the forepart of the week.
- Thomas R. Marshall is in attendance upon the circuit court at Albion.
- Blue River is full - not of ice, but of water. January 8, don't you know.
- There are tramps who recently have made this city a stopping place at nights.
- S. J. Hallauer has disposed of his dry goods stock. He will probably make a trip to Seattle, Washington.
- The coming new printing office is fast assuming shape. The initial number of the Times is an absorbing topic.
- Clerk Kaler has been indisposed the past week. He contracted a severe cold while on the trip to Albion with the Commissioners.
- Col. I. B. McDonald and his accomplished lady made us a brief call on Tuesday. They were on their way to Ligonier. - Kendallville Standard.
- As a winter for variety this beats them all. Changeable weather, rain and snow, warm weather. Good weather for the "grip," colds, coughs, and pneumonia.
- Dr. Kadeson, father of Mrs. S. Stein, accompanied by Dr. Batz, both of Chicago, arrived in this city last evening on a short visit to Dr. Kadeson's children.
- Mr. and Mrs. Stein are the happiest people in Columbia City to-day. They are the proud parents of a sweet girl baby who made her appearance this morning.
- We understand that John and Ol Diffendarfer, the latter from Huntington, have purchased the interest in the egg and poultry business owned by the Beyer Bros., in this city.
- Dennis Harrington is lying quite sick at his home on the South Side. Mr. Harrington is growing quite feeble. He is an old soldier and served the Union faithfully.
- About the finest lot of cattle ever shipped from Columbia City, was the lot purchased of F. H. Foust and shipped to Buffalo the first of the week. The lot comprised 50 head, whose average weight was something over seventeen hundred pounds.
- Rev. R. Tobey, who has been in the city two or three days in the interest of the Western Seaman's Friend Society, a non-sectarian organization requests us to express his thanks through the columns of the Commercial for the liberality with which our citizens have responded to his request for aid.
- The Commissioners accompanied by Clerk Kaler and Deputy Auditor Ball visited Albion last week where they conducted an inspection of the furniture of Noble county's court house. Ex-Commissioner Kimmel took the visitors through the building and aided them in many ways to arrive at what we want placed in our court house. The Commissioners and officials are unsparing in the praise of the interior finish of Noble's building. Bids for furniture will be let the 10th of February.
Thursday's Daily.
- Eugene Carver is improving.
- Treasurer Chamberlin is in poor health.
- S. W. Brady is quite sick at his home in Warsaw.
- The delinquent tax list is in the hands of the printer.
- The Albion papers report Grahm Earle in tight corners.
- Miss Dora Wolfersparger is in Chicago visiting her brother, Ross.
- The well in the court house boiler room has reached a depth of 60 feet.
- Mr. and Mrs. Al. Crawford were presented with a fine girl baby yesterday.
- We understand that the two oldest children of Mrs. O. P. Stewart have typhoid fever.
- Frank Miner, of this office has gone the way of the rest of the crew, and is laid up for repairs.
- The Commercial has a few pieces of material taken from the walls and floors of Libby Prison.
- The new dining car on the Wabash is one of the most handsome cars on the Wabash system.
- The Odd Fellows who attended the lodge at Larwill last night report having had a grand time.
- Engineer Judson's engine, No. 335, just out of the Butler shops, passed west over the Wabash to-day. It is a fine locomotive.
- It is Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Green who are happy now, all on account of the new girl baby which has made its appearance at their home.
- John Oberkeiser is in charge of the court house boiler room. No person has yet been selected to permanently take charge of the heating department.
- The following named Oddfellows from this city attended the installation of officers in Larwill Lodge, No. 238, I. O. O. F., Wednesday evening: F. P. Allwein, J. D. Wurtsbaugh, C. D. Waidlich, Dan Myers, Harry Clapham, J. M. Maine, Brock Lamb, Robert Hood, Frank Hood, Frank Ream, Lew Baker, Ira Grant, Wm. Meitzler, H. F. Keeney, J. F. Johnson, J. F. McNear, A. D. Green, Geo. Hollinger, Chas. Hollis, Jacob Ramp, Geo. Wallace, Otis Long and others whose names we failed to secure. A grand time was had. Supper was served. The following named officers were installed: W. S. Smith, N. G.; Alex Smith, V. G.; Joseph Essig, R. S.; G. E. Young, P. S.; B. F. Osborne, Treasurer.
Columbia City Post ~ Saturday, July 7, 1917James Blain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Blain, of Troy township, arrived home from the Officers' Training camp at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Wednesday evening, having been discharged on account of defective vision. He had enlisted for service in the infantry. He is undecided about his future but may attempt to get into the hospital corps or into the quartermaster's department. Mr. Blain regretted very much that he was discharged on account of his eyes as he is almost physically perfect with the exception of the one defect. He will spend a week or two with his parents before taking up any line of work.
James D. Adams arrived home Wednesday morning having been discharged for defective hearing. Maurice Neizer, democratic candidate for mayor of Ft. Wayne, was also discharged for the same cause.
This leaves three Columbia City boys in the camp: Phil M. McNagny, Tom Pontius and Elmer Bump. They have all passed the examinations thus far, and are making good progress and working hard. Don Livengood and Charles Hire of Thorncreek township, are also still at the camp, the former having gone from this city, but his home is in South Bend.